The ICF Midwest Coaches Conference 2024 Teams up with Regional Associations to Offer Coaching to Nonprofits

May 16, 2024


May 14, 2024



Susanne Cordes-Hoelterhoff, The ICF Midwest Coaches Conference 2024,

Beth Benson, Leadership Council for Nonprofits,





Greater Cincinnati Nonprofit Leaders to Benefit from Pro Bono Coaching Opportunity


Cincinnati - The ICF Midwest Coaches Conference 2024 is pleased to announce that the Leadership Council for Nonprofits and Health Care Access Now, with support from Cincinnati Cares, has been selected as the Community Service Project partner for 2024.


The ICF Midwest Coaches Conference 2024 (MWCC 24) is a biennial conference designed to empower, connect, and elevate our member coaches. The coaches on the Community Service Project are all credentialled coaches committed to upholding the International Coaching Federation (ICF) code of ethics, have demonstrated competency in established professional coaching skills, and have logged at least 100 hours of paid professional coaching.


The Project’s objectives are:


  • To partner with a non-profit organization that would benefit from receiving pro-bono professional coaching for designated leaders within their organization.
  • Choose a partner organization whose mission aligns with the ICF MWCC 24 conference theme, “Flow Boldly,” which focuses on growth, agility, courage, and resilience in an increasingly evolving world.
  • Offer a meaningful way for the coaches participating in the ICF MWCC 24 to give back, share their coaching gifts, and actively engage.
  • Providing the host city of Cincinnati with a gift of coaching to serve the community where the conference is held.


Susanne Cordes-Hoelterhoff, Conference Chair for the ICF MWCC 24 said, “Research clearly shows that organizations that provide coaching to employees benefit from significant improvements in engagement, retention, productivity, and customer satisfaction.” Elizabeth Benson, Executive Director, Leadership Council for Nonprofits, said, “Many nonprofit organizations, especially smaller ones, do not have the opportunity for personal coaching for their leaders. This will be an incredible opportunity for our members who are selected to participate and benefit from coaching at no cost to them.”


The ICF Midwest Coaches Conference 2024 will accept applications from certified coaches who wish to participate, and the Leadership Council will solicit applications for “coachees" from its 200+ member organizations. Cincinnati Cares will help the partners match coaches with their nonprofit partners.


About the International Coaching Federation (ICF)


The International Coaching Federation is the world’s largest organization, leading the global advancement of the coaching profession and fostering coaching’s role as an integral part of a thriving society. Founded in 1995, its 50,000-plus members and credential-holders located in more than 160 countries and territories work toward common goals of enhancing awareness of coaching and upholding the integrity of the profession through lifelong learning and upholding the highest ethical standards. Through the work of its six unique family organizations, ICF empowers professional coaches, coaching clients, organizations, communities, and the world through coaching. For more information, visit


About Leadership Council for Nonprofits


Leadership Council’s mission is to maximize the impact of nonprofits, develop their leaders and strengthen the community. Founded more than 40 years ago, the Leadership Council supports its 250+ members with leadership development for board and staff, capacity building, connections and cost savings. One such member, Health Care Access Now, has benefitted from Leadership Council’s Leaders Circles, Securing the Future Conference, and BOLD, and is offering coaching to their leaders through partnership with ICF and the Leadership Council. To learn more about the Leadership Council, visit For additional information on Health Care Access Now, visit


About Cincinnati Cares


Cincinnati Cares is the region's only public-facing search-and-discover guide to the active nonprofits in the Greater Cincinnati region. Cincinnati Cares operates the country's first artificial intelligence-infused platform connecting volunteer leaders to nonprofit boards as a way of creating WIDER nonprofit boards -- that is, welcoming, inclusive, diverse, equitable and representative.