
Into the Woods: Leadership Challenge ® 3-day Experience

September 16, September 17, September 18
8:30 am - 2:00 pm
Leadership Challenge

Click Here to Register

Nonprofit leadership matters, and now is the perfect time to invest in the staff that will continue to lead your nonprofit through these uncertain times. Due to the generosity of our facilitator Steve Coats and Wiley Publishing, we can offer this program to your emerging leaders at a price far below market rate.

Three things we know about The Leadership Challenge® that differentiates it:

1. Attendees leave this session better able to lead – immediately.

2. Research by Kouzes and Posner shows that leaders have a direct influence on the engagement levels of talent. The best leaders create the best workplaces.

3. People who more frequently use the leadership practices presented in the workshop produce higher results than those who use them less frequently.

Investing in growth opportunities for emerging nonprofit leaders is critical. Often at nonprofits there may not be an opportunity for “climbing the ladder” in new positions, but there is always an opportunity to develop within a role. This can come in the form of learning best practices like the Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership®.

The Leadership Challenge® includes a 360-degree assessment, the Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI), which is a simple, 30-question inventory. The feedback it provides is very understandable and usable. It provides people with a solid roadmap for change.

This is a great program for a few team members to participate in so they can bring the learning back to your organization as a team. Studies show that leadership development helps with employee experience and retention.

We encourage you to respond promptly as the program is limited to 24 participants and a max of 3 people per organization.