Nonprofits as an Economic Force

January 29, 2024

by Elizabeth Benson, Executive Director

(originally published in Greater Cincinnati Nonprofit News, 1/25/24)


Have you ever thought about the “nonprofit economy?” Last week’s report release by ArtsWave and the Cincinnati Chamber’s Center for Research & Data brought attention to the immense contribution that the arts bring to our regional economy. As one branch of the local nonprofit sector, this is crucial data. We talk a lot around nonprofit and philanthropic tables about impact. But beyond the important impact that individual organizations make, what is the economic impact on our region as a whole? Many headlines are written about the economic impact of specific industries, your favorite sports team, the Taylor Swift concert. What about the economic benefit that nonprofit organizations, large and small, return to the community?


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Elevate Your Impact in 2024: Join Leadership Council Today!

November 20, 2023
by Elizabeth Benson, Executive Director
Leadership Council for Nonprofits only exists because of you, and for you. We were organized 46 years (!) ago to provide resources for the region’s nonprofit organizations and we’ve never wavered from that. Whether you’ve built a network of peers through our programs, realized savings from our benefit offerings, or connected to future employees and board members, you’ve benefited from Leadership Council.
With our 2024 membership drive underway, it’s a great time to remind you of some highlights of membership:
  • Free job postings and BOLD Board Connections help you find people to further your mission
  • Benefits include discounts on LC programs, savings through group purchasing, and more
  • Tools for attracting and retaining talent, including a retirement plan as well as unemployment and workers' comp support
  • Your dues investment is scaled to your revenue (plus new members join at half-price!)
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Partnering with Leadership Council

October 26, 2023

by Elizabeth Benson, Executive Director

We can’t do it alone! Leadership Council is able to offer its programs through a variety of partnerships, helping to keep membership dues affordable. Here are a few examples:
Facilitation: We are honored to have the contributions of skilled facilitators for our Leaders Circles, Leadership Challenge, and Search Inside Yourself programs. Many of these experienced leaders have active consulting businesses, but believe in building capacity for our region’s nonprofits.
Benefit Partnerships: Several companies offer benefits or discounts to LC members (and we’re always looking for more!).
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A Force for Good

September 18, 2023

by Elizabeth Benson, Executive Director

(originally published in Greater Cincinnati Nonprofit News, 9/14/23)


What does it mean to have a career in the social sector? It could mean everything – to you and to the people you serve. But we have a big problem. As in almost every other employment sector, the nonprofit industry has a workforce shortage.


National Council of Nonprofits describes the situation in "Nonprofit Workforce Shortages: A Crisis That Affects Everyone”:


"Charitable nonprofits around the country are reporting significant difficulties retaining staff and filling vacancies. What was initially considered a challenge has now become a workforce crisis in need of immediate remedy and commitment to overcome longstanding problems exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. While job vacancies in the government and business sectors may cause disappointment and lost profits, the lack of adequate nonprofit staffing means the public suffers delayed or complete loss of needed services."


Independent Sector found that, "In the fourth quarter of 2022, the number of nonprofit sector jobs finally exceeded 2017 employment levels." As nonprofit positions rebounded post-pandemic, phenomena like the "great resignation" and the gig economy impair our ability to fully deliver missions and services. Lack of resources for competitive pay compounds the problem.


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Hiring Is Hard! What to Know When Considering Outsourcing Accounting Services

August 21, 2023

by Nathan Musgrove, Founding Partner, C.P.A.

Excelsior Accounting Services


Let’s face it – if you haven’t struggled through your own accounting staffing challenges, you at least know someone who has. The number of nonprofit executives I speak with who are struggling to hire and retain quality accounting staff seems to be growing at an exponential rate. Unfortunately for all of us, the problem is only likely to worsen as the accounting profession confronts growing challenges in perception and appeal to new college graduates.


Many executives confronting these obstacles have turned to an increasingly prevalent alternative – outsourcing all or a portion of their organizations’ accounting work to a third-party service provider. As the owner of a firm that does just that, I am not bashful in saying there are many environments in which outsourced accounting services could represent an optimal solution, yielding improvements in quality or cost of your overall accounting footprint – and sometimes both! An outsourced provider can often offer more robust professional expertise, greater nimbleness to better manage periods of staff transition, and the flexibility to grow or contract with you as your company evolves – often a much more palatable alternative to hiring or terminating in-house employees.

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Creating Lucky Breaks with Sachika Singh

June 9, 2021

Sachika is a creative, critical-thinker and sociologist whose passions lie in research and data analysis, community health, and social justice. At GlobeMed she is

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